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Sunday, October 26, 2014

We're all afraid of something

We are all afraid of something

Although a lot of people pretend to be immune from it, fear infects us all whether we like it or not.

I sit at school and stress about whether or not the people around me are judging me for how I look.
I lay in bed wondering about whats coming next and wishing that I could change what happend in the past.
I nervously check the closet cause really Im afraid of the dark.

No wonder I can't fall asleep.

I go around trying to convince other people that I am not afraid of anything.  Trying to act like I'm free from fear.

Really I should be trying to convince myself.

There is no way to leave fear behind.  It seems to follow us like a shadow.
Let's face it, we are all afraid of something.

Instead learning to overcome the fear we have seems to be the only way to conquer fear.  Learning to cope with fear, to face our fears.

(I watched Divergent last night.....if you can't already tell.)

No, fear will never leave us.  I mean, Im a senior in high school and Im still afraid of the dark, of being alone, of being left out, of girls, and of spiders.

If only the list was really that short.

No I can't get rid of them.  I have to live with them.
But learning how takes time.

We're all afraid of something.


  1. "if only the list was really that short."
    so true.

    this is my new favorite blog. love your posts

  2. "We're all afraid of something" amen to that, you hit that right on the head. Perfect
