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Sunday, December 21, 2014


Let's keep this brief....

My name is Ben Griffin.

Thanks to those who read my blog and left comments on my posts!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I remember when it was easy to forget

I remember when it was easy to forget.

Before life swooped in and decided it was time to turn off the show.
Before my memories consisted of a few dozen pictures on my phone.  
Before I hated social media because all it does is remind me that everyone else is having the time of their lives, and all I want to do is go back to the time when I was too.
Before remembering was all I had left.
Before all of this.

I remember when goodbye meant, see you tomorrow, and not, see you in a few years....maybe.

I remember when we hiked to the top of Timp to see the sun rise on another day, forgetting that it was one day less.  
I remember gazing at the stars as we fell asleep on top of the house boat in Lake Powell wishing that I could stop time and somehow prevent it from ruining everything.  

I remember when yesterday was today and tomorrow would never happen.

I remember when Santa was real and the tooth fairy existed because when I lost a tooth I magically became a dollar richer.
I remember elementary school and playing football at recess because someday I would play in the NFL.
I remember entering seventh grade and thinking that I was David and the ninth graders were Goliath.
I remember ninth grade and thinking that I was the shiz because hello, oldest in the school....and then sophomore year happened....

I remember when it was easy to forget.

I remember a friendship that became a brotherhood.
I remember last summer because everyday was how I imagined life is supposed to be.  It was the time of my life and every day I remind myself and remind myself and remind myself, because when the day comes that I forget I will have completely lost what I am so hopelessly, desperately trying to hold on to.  And I can't let that happen.

I remember when it was easy to forget, but now all I want to do is remember.
Because if I stop remembering I will slowly lose what I can't afford to let go.
I remember because that is who I am.  

I remember...I remember...I remember...